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An idealist who is on a mission to make the world a better place to live in!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

The path

I walk a lonely path
The road I only know
People walk beside me
Some pretty good some pretty bad
Most of them pretty darn grey
Felt love
Felt hate
Felt invisible most of the while
I don’t know where life takes me
Hoping always it will be a beautiful end
Enjoying the journey with it
I don’t know who I am anymore
Feel like everyone whose walk besides me
Is become a part of me
Every decision I take
Is a decision with many emotions in it
When I finally walk on
A bird flies across me
It has its journey some place else
I wish I could stand still and watch its journey
But I have solider on
I have to move on.

Life is meaningless

Life is funny eh,
One moment you’re smiling and the next you’re in tears
Its too much, i can’t take it anymore
It hurts.
The people who you feel special about
Just break you all up
Life is meaningless.
I smile too much, cry a bit
But what is wrong in that?
I want happiness
I don’t want pain
I don’t think of gain
Is it me or the world’s gone nutty
Stamping on one’s hopes and dreams
Is this all fair
Is this right
I wonder every night
But as the night dawns on me
I sleep to stop me from thinking
Because wherever i look
I realise
Life is meaningless.